• Free Taster Sessions including kayaks, stand up paddle boards, coracles and canoes

  • Ferryside Inshore Lifeboat

  • Carmarthen Bay Ferries

  • Coracle Races

  • Raft Race

  • Seafood Demonstrations

  • All Dry Side Activities including Free Children’s Funfair, family activities, Local Food Demonstrations,Tenovus Choir, and lots more

  • Carmarthen Rowing

  • Coracle Pool

The River Festival a celebration of the River which has always played a significant role in Carmarthen’s history

Tudor records show imports of iron, lead, coal, honey, salt, wine, oil and spices, and exports of cloth and wool. The 17th century saw increased imports of luxury goods such as soap, pewter, vinegar, sugar, fruit, ginger, marmalade, bedsteads and brass goods. In the 1720s 57 vessels were registered in Carmarthen, and its tonnage at that time was twice that of Cardiff.

The 1840s were Carmarthen’s heyday as a port, for both sail and steam ships. Ships of up to 330 tons were built in Carmarthen, in the vicinity of the present-day Quay Centre.

The Quay Centre
Coracle Way
SA31 3LN

Email : carmarthenriverfestival@gmail.com